Wednesday, June 29, 2011

53.What is the most amazing thing you have ever seen, heard, or experienced?

I'm gonna go with concerts.
Yes concerts in general,
A great band does make the difference in your experience.
If they are great live then it is just the most amazing time.
Three of my favorite bands live would be Green Day, The Cure and Papa Roach,
The Cure just sounds absolutely amazing live.
Being there well Robert Smith brings all of those feelings to you is unreal.
Papa Roach puts on an amazing show,
The energy alone gets you moving and having such a great time,
And Green Day.
Just the best time I've ever had has probably been at Green Day concerts.
They have so much audience interaction it's unreal.
Billie Joes stage presence is so inviting and just loving.
There is just so much that can be said about them live.
It's a fantastic time.

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